Sunday, October 5, 2008 Is Hacked

It looked strange to me when i first noticed few files at my FTP server which was not created by me. I opened them up and it said that site is hacked by BY iSKORPiTX; (TURKISH HACKER). This is strange as there is no database maintaining. So i don’t understand why does someone take interest in hacking this site.

I changed my login details and password immediately. The hacked page screenshot is shown below :


I am not able to upload any files to FTP server right now. So currently site is down.


Hacker Forums said...

This is an automated attack on the server itself. It was probably running an old web server software version that was susceptible to hacking.

Hacker Forums

Anonymous said...

Prime case for when even website monitoring - the usual way, isn't good enough.

Website monitoring that actually compares your good site to what's currently on your site, is what's required.